Messianic Minutes

Time to Reach the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel

Daily Radio Program 

Messianic Minutes

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Jesus in the Passover Seder

In the Torah, God called for a memorial feast at Passover. That feast has become The Seder, which through a series of activities, including a meal, reflects on the miracle of the exodus of the Jews from Egyptian slavery. The Last Supper, conducted by Jesus was really a Passover Seder.

In 2025, the Feast of Passover began at sundown on April 12. Jewish people all across the world celebrate in their homes, recounting the time of God's deliverance.

Join us at upcoming Passover Seders. Jeffrey D. and Ted will conduct a number of them in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Wisconsin this season.
Jeffrey D. Miller Ministries Schedule
Ted Simon Schedule 


It has been more than a year since the brutal attack on Israel by the radical Muslims in Hamas. The hatred this organization and others have for the Jewish nation is horrifying. Yet we believe for the Lord’s promises to protect Israel to be fulfilled. For those of you who would like some guidelines on what to lift up before Almighty God, here is a prayer. You can use these words directly, or simply use the ideas for the basis of your own prayer. Either way, you’ll be taking a stand for the righteousness of the Lord to prevail.

More than 30 Years of Messianic Minutes

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Jeffrey and Ted in Studio

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Aaonic Blessing Scroll

What is the Aaronic Blessing?

The Aaronic Blessing, so named because the Lord told Moses in Numbers 6:22/23 to instruct his brother Aaron and his sons to pray it. Aaron was Israel’s first high priest, thus the prayer is often called the Priestly Blessing.


English Translation

May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make His face shine upon you
and be gracious unto you.
May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you
and grant you peace.

(Messianic addition)
In the Name of Jesus our Messiah.

Rabbi Ted Simon

The Sign of the Blessing

In the picture, Ted Simon demonstrates the hand formation often used when praying the Aaronic Blessing. The blessor will separate his fingers in a kind of v shape to represent the Hebrew letter shin  , the first letter in one of the names of God, Shaddai, meaning Almighty. This hand configuration was made popular in the TV series Star Trek by Leonard Nimoy, a Jewish actor portraying the Vulcan character Mr. Spock. 

The Blessing

Jeffrey D. Miller giving the Blessing as Closing Benediction

Typically, the rabbi or the cantor will chant the blessing with his arms raised and extended toward the congregation. This is exemplified in Leviticus 9:22, “Then Aaron lifted his hand toward the people, blessed them, and came down from offering the sin offering.” 

We finish our program each day with a portion of the Aaronic Blessing.

Listen HERE as Jeffrey D. recites it in full.

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